Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wholehearted Devotion

Now, to do anything wholeheartedly takes some pretty serious time and commitment that for most of us does not exactly come easy.  We can be wholeheartedly devoted to our spouses, our kids, our friendships, are jobs, and so on and so forth.  It does come a little bit easier, however, when it involves those things or people we love .... with all our heart and soul.  So, this brings a question to mind that God layed on my heart earlier this week.  What is it going to take to be wholeheartedly devoted to God's Word?
I used to be able to come up with a verse fairly easily that had to do with a given circumstance that might arise, but I am finding out that it is taking quite a bit more effort to spurt one of these out unexpectedly.  For instance, this week a friend of mine was in need of a verse to give a friend of hers, and she asked me what to use as she knows I enjoy sending scripture texts on occasion.  Well, it didn't come so easy to me this time and it made me realize just how much I have been slacking in really reading through God's Word lately.  Now don't get me wrong, I read through His word every day like a good Christian gal would, right?! BUT if I had been really reading and thinking through it and allowing the Word to be "written on my heart", then those unexpected times when a bit of God's Truth can be used for encouragement or praise or whatever,  will most likely come a whole lot easier!
On Tuesday God brought to my attention the lack of real reading I have been doing and then on Friday of course, He layed it all out for me!  Not only did He lay it out for me but He brought to mind the importance it will be once I get my baby girl here as well.  God reminded me of how important it is going to be to talk about His word ALL the time with her ... how I need to repeat His Word over and over and over again, in the morning and at night, when we're on the road and when we're at home, He even says to tie them to your hands and write them on your foreheads. So I'm thinkin He is telling me something here.  I NEED TO STUDY AND STUDY AND STUDY AND STUDY so I am prepared for that very special day when I get to bring home baby LyLah and begin loving on her and raising her up not just to be a "good" child, but more importantly a godly child.
As for the adoption, I was able to get the document the USCIS wanted this week and sent it off in the mail.  They should have received it on Friday, so I am hoping to get that letter I have been waiting for with a notice of approval rather than a request for more information, in the very near future.  I also continue to wait on the referral for my precious baby girl.
Praise God for watching over us always - Praise God for bringing to mind those things we need to know in order to continue to grow - Praise God for His Word and for the access we have to it in SO many different ways without the worry of persecution - Praise God for Jesus!
Pray that we would desire to be wholeheartedly devoted to God's Word - Pray that His words would indeed be written on our hearts - Pray that the document I sent to the USCIS is in fact what they needed and that the clearance would come very soon - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah!

"The LORD is our God, the LORD alone.And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today." Deuteronomy 6:4-6


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