Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is your net worth?

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"  Thank you, Jesus for the beauty of the day ... the sunshine ... the color of the leaves .... the warmer temperature .... what a great fall day!
Praise God! I received my contract from my agency on Monday, read through 25 pages of information, initialed each page, wrote out a check, and sent it back to them on Wednesday! Thanks be to God for providing a people of prayer, a loving group of family and friends who have been using their gifts and talents to fundraise, and those who have been blessed financially who have given as well.  All glory goes to God as He is the one who made this happen, not me!  He told me from the beginning that as I obeyed, He would provide and this is exactly what He has done!
There were two devotions this week that God used to speak to my heart pretty significantly.  The first one being about how if you want to feel rich, count all of the things you have that money can't buy.  The second one being about when you reach a point of impossibility it's actually an opportunity ..... to trust God.  I had to come up with a "self net worth" last week for part of my homestudy and obviously on paper it did not look like much so I had to come up with a financial "plan".  Now to me, the number on paper seemed like quite a bit! Lol!  But, not enough for them to say this can work, so I made a plan with what I have and turned it in.  I have yet to hear any more about it so I will wait and see.  God has been transforming me quite a bit this last year, more drastically in the last 6 months.  One of the things He has shown me is that I can live with ALOT less and still move and breathe like always!  It's now becoming very clear just why He had been doing this.  Despite the fact that "I" had to make a plan, I am still certain that His plan, His purpose will prevail! 
The second devotion helped to make all of this real.  On paper it does look impossible BUT by trusting God, He is providing!  So my self net worth may not consist of much but because of the many ways I have been blessed, I truly am a millionaire! Thank you, Jesus!
Praise God that He knows what we need even when we do not - praise God for refining us and molding us into the people He would have us to be - praise God that we have nothing to fear as He is our comforter and protector! Pray that I would continue to follow and obey God alone - pray for that sweet baby girl!

"The blessing of the Lord make a person rich ... " Proverbs 10:22



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