Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Friday, January 6, 2012


To most of us, this measely amount of money doesn't mean a whole heck of alot.  $13.97 .... what on earth can you do with that? Well, let me tell you just what you can do with this generous amount of money!  You can take it and hold onto the absurd amount of love and kindness that went into it, and then you use it just like you would any other given amount you might have. 
Sunday at church I was handed a bag of change with a card.  On the inside of the card it said, "for your baby".  Can you guess how much money was in that bag of change?  Yup! You got it! $13.97!  Every time I tell this story my heart begins to melt even moreso than it did that very day.  A six year old boy had a big enough heart to begin saving money for the sake of another child. He not only saved the money, he gave it away.  He wanted to give and the exact amount of money in that bag did not matter.  It did not matter because the fact of the matter was that he wanted to give.  The little value we might have placed on this particular sum of money might well have been ginormous in the eyes of that child, as it should be.  I'm wondering how much more our giving would be, not only monetary but in our acts as well, if only we could do so with a heart like a child.  I certainly have held back at times because I thought it might not be "good" enough or should I say "big" enough.  So where do we draw the line at just how "good" enough or "big" enough, is enough?  I can tell you right now that our God most certainly does not have a set dollar amount to what might be good enough to give.  He also has no particular size or measured amount of acts of kindnesses that are big enough.  As long as it comes from the heart it is MORE than enough!  So the next time you hold back on the giving of your time, your talents or whatever it may be you are giving, because you just don't think it's good enough .... remember the ginormous value that a measely $13.97 had!
My adoption process continues to roll on!  I have all the documents to my Dossier completed! Leigh Ann has them and is in the process of reviewing them. I am anxiously awaiting a go-ahead email from her, hopefully this weekend, stating I can get the completed version in the mail very soon!  I continue to struggle on with the wait.  The love that God has put in my heart for that sweet baby girl is so extremely big that my heart nearly explodes at times ... at least it feels like it's exploding ... actually, it is breaking.  My heart breaks for her and I can't hardly stand it BUT I have to and so I will to the best of my ability. 
Pray that my Dossier would be just as it needs to be and for Leigh Ann as she reviews it - Pray for all of the families who are waiting court dates, embassy dates, referrals, etc - Pray that we would have a heart like a child when it comes to giving, not putting the importance on the amount, but where it is coming from, the heart - Pray for my sweet baby girl!
Praise God for all of those parents who are teaching their little ones to have a giving heart at such a young age - Praise God for the little ones whom we can learn big lessons from - Praise God for Jesus, the giver of all givers!

"So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18:4


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