Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Thursday, March 22, 2012


All of us have been through it in some form or another. Maybe it was through that long and dreadful wait for the results of a medical test ... or maybe it was the waiting period on the acceptance letter into the college of your choice. Perhaps it could have been the time when your child was supposed to message you the minute they arrived at the airport halfway across the world, and you have yet to hear from them ... or like me, maybe it's the wait on that phone call with all of the information on your child that has been born in your heart through the wonderful world of adoption.  Whatever your circumstance is or has been, we go through a similar emotional rollercoaster in which I would like to label "the fear of the unknown".  We live in a world where we want answers NOW!  I, as most of you know by now, would be the first on the list of people who fail daily at patience, if there were such a list. Not a truth that I enjoy sharing with others, but it is exactly that  ... the truth! The waves of emotions that go through our heads are ridiculously absurd sometimes.  We often times tend to speculate and the end result is usually not a happy thought.  This in turn, brings about feelings of worry, anxiety, fear, sadness, maybe even a depression in some cases.  All in all, we create alot of stress in our lives because of the "unknown".  These feelings can be brought on not only by the stuff going on in our own lives, but in the people whom we love as well.  Some of our circumstances that bring on these feelings of the "unknown" might very well be small when compared to the "big picture", and some of them might in fact be huge with the end result changing lives for the good or the bad.  Big or small it does not matter.  What does matter is that you are going through it, and you feel like nobody else knows what you're going through and it pretty much stinks.  And that is perfectly understandable and okay, BUT I have a little bit of info I would like to share that I hope will be encouraging. You see, there is this book that is pretty well known actually, and is filled with a whole lotta Truth that you really don't want to miss out on.  It's called The Bible. These words of God are actually living and active ... they were written by God through other people!  God speaks to us through this book and He shared something with me this week that I'm gonna hold onto.  He told me that I need to go to Him for any help that I might need and to worship Him continuously. Go to Him, in prayer as well as through His word, with anything! Whether big or small  it makes no difference!  He is there and available, ready and willing to hold us together and to keep us lifted up!  And let us not forget the worship aspect of it all! Will ya lift God up with me today ... well, everyday actually!  So, when we are on that emotional rollercoaster of the "unknown" I pray that you and I would "Go!"
As for the adoption process, still nothing new.  I am still anxiously awaiting that phone call for my referral for my sweet baby LyLah!  I did get 2 more of my vaccinations yesterday so only one left to go! Yay!
Praise God that He is willing for us to come to Him 24/7 - Praise God for His words of Truth that we have so easily available to us - Praise God for all of those "unknowns" that we might go through that draw us closer to Him - Praise God for Jesus!
Pray that we would "Go!" in each and every circumstance we are brought before - Pray that we would soak in The Truth and claim every promise He has made - Pray that we would indeed draw closer to Him when going through the "unknowns" and hold onto those promises He has made - Pray also that we would then remember to give Him praise for who He is and all that He has done - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah!

"Go to the Lord for help and worship Him continually." 1 Chronicles 16:11

"Be Lifted High"  Bethel Church



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