Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Friday, March 16, 2012


Disappointment comes in a variety of shapes and forms.  It is not something we look forward to or enjoy by any means.  Sometimes it even creeps into our lives when we least expect it.  Disappointment is not something that we usually prepare ourselves to enter in to.  Some people have a tendency to get disappointed very easily where for others, it might take something huge to bring it on. The truth of the matter is everyone goes through it, and how we deal with it will have a direct impact on our lives either positively or negatively.
I am one who has the tendency to get disappointed, to get my feelings hurt very easily.  It doesn't take much .... at all sometimes! This is not one of the characteristics about myself that I am proud of by any means, but it is something that I know I need to work on and thankfully God is trying to do just that. You see the thing that God has been reminding me of this week is that He is the only one we can count on always!  Now, this doesn't mean that we will never "feel" like God has disappointed us.  I very well have felt that way and I'm sure you have to at some point or another.  What this does mean is that anything and everything that is of Him is for our good and even though we may not be able to see it at the very moment in time, it is everything BUT a disappointment. This means that we can not put our trust in man, but rather in God alone. People will do whatever they have to, to get ahead or feel better about themselves, but God will not!  People will make poor decisions and let others down, but God will not!  People will fail us, but the good news is ..... God will not!
We've already been warned that life is going to bring about disappointment and hurt, trials and suffering. Yes, Jesus actually guarantees it in His word. We're going to be hurt and disappointed and angry throughout this life and that is okay.  But when those times do come, the difference in a positive or negative result will depend upon who we put our trust in, who we seek out for comfort. My prayer tonight is that we would choose the only One who does not disappoint, who does not hurt, who will never fail us! The Lord Jesus Christ! The One who is secure and immovable!  So, this leaves me with one question ... who are you gonna put your trust in?!
As for the adoption process I am still anxiously awaiting that referral.  I am attempting to put my trust in God in His timing of it all, rather than being disappointed by man who I have yet to get that phone call from!  My clearance that I received a few weeks ago is on the way, or it might actually be in Ethiopia right now.  I received a letter saying it was being forwarded and I also received a case number!Yay! I have a case number for when the time comes to go to court over there! I received 2 of my vaccinations already and have 3 more to go.
Praise God that He is our rock, our refuge, our anchor that will never fail us!  Praise God that His love is forever and true!  Praise God for giving us those trials, only to make us stronger!  Praise God for Jesus!
Pray that we would put our trust in God alone, knowing He is the only One who will never let us down - Pray that we would use our disappointments and hurts as opportunities to grow stronger and closer to Him - Pray that we would keep our eyes fixed on Him, the author and perfector of our faith, who is immovable - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah!

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure."  Hebrews 6:19


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