Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Friday, March 30, 2012

"Hallelujah, You are Savior"

So I've been thinking alot this week ... alot about my sweet baby LyLah, that is!  My mind has been flooded with about a million and one thoughts.  Things have crossed my mind like "I wonder what she is doing at this very moment", "I wonder if she is happy", "I wonder if she is crying", "I wonder if she is hungry", "I wonder if she is scared", "I wonder if someone is holding her right at this very moment", "I wonder if she is hurting" and the list could go on and on.  There are so many things that I could get myself wrapped up in wanting to know that it could very well have sent me into a panic attack, but this time it did not.  This time, it was different.  This time, I felt a calmness sweep over me.  You see this time, I felt the Holy Spirit within me reassuring me that she is in fact okay.  It is actually kinda scary, really.  This is not typical for me by any means as I am a worrier ... big time usually. So, I am an impatient worrier! Ha! Not a good combination in the adoption world, or any world for that matter!  I now know though that I am beginning to learn that characteristic of trust just a little bit anyway, in a different kind of way. A way that involves the care of my sweet baby girl. This definitely will be a necessity as I continue on in this awesome journey God has laid out for me!(at least if I am planning to attempt any kind of sanity through it all!)
So as I think about the calmness God brought me this week, I was led to Psalm 23.  Then, as I dug a little deeper, I learned even more from Matthew Henry's commentary.  In verse 2 David says, "He leads me by still waters".  To me the term "still waters" had a calming affect anyway without really putting much thought into it, but the more I read into it I learned that the "still waters" are in fact the Holy Spirit.  The "still waters" in which flow from the Fountain of the living water, whom which is God Himself!  God gives us the Holy Spirit to come alongside us when we are going through whatever trial or difficulty life might bring, to offer a feeling of comfort, of peace, knowing He is in control.  A comfort that has such a calming affect that it can actually lead to trust! Amen?!  Next time you and I are going through the rough waters of life, I pray we would remember that God is with us, leading us by the still waters, that He is stronger, more than any other ... hallelujah, He is Savior!
As far as the adoption goes .... oh my goodness, oh my goodness I am #2 on the waiting list for my baby girl! Thank you, Jesus!  What this means is that when it's my turn, I will get a phone call from my coordinator with the referral for LyLah and then I will have approximately 5 days to accept her. Yeah right, like I wouldn't??!! Anyway, they also will email me a picture of her with a little bit of medical information as well.  I will then have to await a court date. Yes, more waiting! Bring it on!! =) So I am still awaiting that phone call BUT I am so much closer!
Praise God for filling us with the Holy Spirit - Praise God for that feeling of comfort He provides through the Holy Spirit - Praise God for bringing me another step closer to my sweet baby girl - Praise God for Jesus!
Pray for all to be overwhelmed by the presence of the Holy Spirit within us - Pray that we would allow that feeling of comfort into our lives knowing God is in control and we can trust Him completely - Pray that God would use those rough waters we go through in life to bring us closer to Him - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah!

"What a Savior" Laura Story


"He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters."  Psalm 23:2


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