Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Friday, April 6, 2012

No Greater Love

Well a week has went by since I found out just how close I am to receiving my referral and I will tell you it feels like a year.  Each morning I awake thinking could this be it?  Could this be the day I am going to get the call?  And I pray and I pray and I pray.  Every time I even think about what that conversation might be, my eyes fill up with tears.  This is it! It's getting so close I can hardly even stand it.  I have my phone with me at all times, well except when I'm at work of course, and I still check it every five seconds just in case I somehow missed a call.
I was just sure today was going to be the day.  I hardly slept at all last night as I was anxiously awaiting the day to start so I could get on with it and eventually get that call!  My small group is doing a Bible Study on prayer and last week we studied the example of Nehemiah and how he prayed .... so all night long I was praying like Nehemiah and I just knew God was going to grant me success in my prayer.
Well, I'm here to tell ya that my request was not granted today.  I know God heard my prayers but today was not the day He had in mind for me to get that phone call so I must continue to wait.  I must continue to wait and to keep my eyes on the prize and hold on. I must continue to trust and be faithful.  I must continue to prepare and carry on!
I even waited to write this blog in hopes that I would be able to share some good news with you tonight.  So, I did not get my prayers answered in the way I was expecting to today BUT I do have good news!  And the good news is that it might be Friday, but Sunday is coming!  Did you know that Jesus thought you were worth enough to die for?  "He humbled Himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" Crucifixion was full of pain and suffering that is too gruesome to even describe ... and that is exactly what Jesus went through because of our sin.  Jesus, the one and only sinless man to ever walk the earth, died the most painful of deaths so we could be free and live with Him in eternity.  He became sin so that we could be saved!  And in the midst of all the pain and suffering He still was not thinking of Himself as His first words from the cross were "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing".
Jesus demonstrated a love that day, a love that no man could ever begin to compare to.  Jesus died, was buried, and then three days later He rose again!  This is the Truth! This is the Gospel! This is Jesus and He wants YOU to begin a relationship with Him! He loves you so much that He died for you and even if nobody else does, He thinks you are worth it!
Praise God for His unimaginable, crazy love for us - Praise God for His faithfulness - Praise God for His Word - Praise God for Jesus!
Pray that we would keep our eyes on the prize and continue to hold on - Pray that we would remember Christ's love for us and the sacrifice He endured - Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel with someone who has yet to hear the Good News - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah!

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay one's life down for one's friend" John 15:13


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