Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Saturday, May 12, 2012

cRaZy in love

Twelve days later and I am still in awe!  I am in awe of a God who never ceases to amaze me.  So many things keep coming up that I am without a doubt, confident it is His hand.  I am in awe of the fact that I have a new name - a new role - a whole new lifestyle that will one day begin and except for my relationship with Jesus, I have never wanted anything so much. So much that it hurts. It hurts but I know that it will come and "though it tarry" I will wait because "it will not be delayed!"  My God is in control of this and He will bring my baby girl to me at just the right time!
I would like to share with you just one instance this week where I saw God's hand in several different ways, really.  A book that I had read about a year ago was brought to my attention again.  It's called "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick. The book talks about asking God for the impossible - acting in audacious faith and then watching God move.  The verse that goes along with the book comes from Joshua 10:12-14 where Joshua asked God to make the sun stand still so the Israelites could take victory over the Amorites and would ya guess what God did?! You know it! He did in fact make the sun stand still and victory was awarded! God moved in a way that was unimaginable! With this thought fresh in my mind, I receive a random email from one of the moms from my agency, Jessica, that just received a referral this week. When she posted her referral announcement to the group she mentioned that she was praying for a court date before the courts close down in Ethiopia.  For those of you who may not be aware, the court closes down in Ethiopia every year during the rainy season to allow them vacation time. Well, this happens mid August to the beginning of October usually.  As court dates usually come 3-4 months after your referral acceptance, and then another 2 weeks later you might be cleared with an official decree by the judge, you can see this makes it pretty unrealistic that either of us would receive a court date and pass before the courts close.  Anyway, Jessica emails me to let me know that she and another mom, Devin, had made a pact to pray daily at 7:30 for their cases to clear court before they close. She talked about how much she believed in the power of prayer and that anything is possible with God.  She invited me to join them, not knowing what time zone I was in, but to pray daily at 7:30.  So I immediately emailed her back to let her know I was all in! I then shared with her about the book Sun Stand Still and the verse from Joshua and of course she had just read it a couple of months ago!  The next day at 6:30 our time (they live in Florida!) I prayed for the 3 of us, but I also included Jana and her family as they too received their referral date just a few weeks ahead of us. Jana is the one I have mentioned before. They are the family that got their referral before me. So the day after that, I get yet another email from Jessica asking if I happen to know a "Jana" from our group because we both responded at the SAME time saying we wanted to join them in daily prayer! Have ya seen God's hand in this at all people??!!
Not only did I know her, but I had already added her to our prayer! God has brought the 4 of us together to pray ... to pray our "Sun Stand Still" prayer ... I can not wait to see Him move ... He is able!
So if you are up at 6:30 and think about it, I would invite you to pray with us!  Pray that we would all get to court and pass before they close down in the rainy season!
Praise God for His hand in our everyday lives - Praise God for ALL the people He has placed in our lives - Praise God for His sovereignty and rule over all - Praise God for Jesus!
Pray for our eyes to be opened to all things big or small that God's hand has fell upon - Pray for opportunities to share His truth with the people placed in our lives - Pray for continual submission to His authority - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah Lucille, that she would continue to be cared for and loved on during this waiting period!

"The joy of God is your strength!" Nehemiah 8:10


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