Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Three Times a Day!

It's pretty easy to be in prayer when things are a bit shaky ... waiting for test results from a medical test - when things aren't going so well at the job and your position may be on the line - a child may be hurting - a death has occurred.  It's actually pretty easy to be in prayer when things are going really great, too ... that medical test came back with good results - your job was saved and included  a raise - your child is happy and healthy and full of life.  So, what about everything else that goes on during the day?  The "little" things ...  waking up each day - having a roof over your head - getting a green light when you're late for work - getting a red light when your're late for work and realizing God may just have prevented you from something worse - having internet/phone access - having clean water to drink.  This particular list could go on and on and on and on!  The bottom line being we need to be in prayer daily.  And not only under the circumstances that are looked upon as "normal" times to be in prayer, but under any cirumstance about anything at any time! Pray for God to refine you, for God to prune you in order to strengthen your relationship with Him.  Praise God for that circumstance that didn't end up the way you were hoping, because He is God and He is good and knows exactly what we need when we need it!  Get out of the norm and on your knees whether it be three times a day like Daniel did or several times throughout  the day.  Keep the line of communication with God open and wait and see just what He can do!
No news as far as the adoption goes BUT our prayer group did receive an answered prayer this week!  We have a few things we are praying specifically for and God not only answered the prayer, but He provided exactly what we were praying for!  As we continue on in our daily 6:30 prayer time, I know that more prayers will be answered and whatever the outcome may be God is good, He has a plan and He will be praised!
Praise God for examples like Daniel, that NOthing stopped him from being in prayer - Praise God for having a plan for our lives - Praise God for the grace and mercy He gives that goes unseen - Praise God for Jesus!
Pray that we would let NOthing get in the way of daily prayer - Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit when in prayer - Pray for trust in knowing that God is good no matter the outcome - Join us in prayer at 6:30 am daily for court dates and court decrees before they close down in August!

"He (Daniel) prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God." Daniel 6:10


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