Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Friday, July 13, 2012

'Cause I gotta have faith-a-faith-a-faith!

So I pretty much had a terrible week.  I was struggling BIG time with the adoption process.  I had sent an email to the program director first thing Monday morning and was expecting to hear back from him by Tuesday at the latest.  I asked him for any information he might have on my paperwork.  The day went on and I had yet to hear anything .... nothing at all except for an email back from my coordinator, not the program director, saying he had no news.  There was lots of information given that day, however.  Four out of the six of us from our prayer group heard "something" about their case.  Praise God!
Needless to say, I was pretty disappointed that I was one of the remaining two that heard nothing.  I feel like I have done fairly well really as far as being emotional throughout the process.  Give or take a few rough times, for the most part I feel like I've held it together ... until this week.  And I do believe that this week it all let loose! I'm pretty sure I made up for lost times in merely two days this week.  I even sent an email to my prayer girls about how down I was and of course that followed with a flood of encouraging emails giving me hope!
Last night I was on the phone with a friend, telling her about how upset I was and told her about the email I sent to the prayer gals. I told her that I pretty much have acted like a big baby all week long. I proceeded to tell her that I could just imagine God moving my paperwork and being submitted early next week and then how dumb I would feel after all the whining I did and just plain being down this week.  We even talked about how submissions usually happen in the beginning of the week.
This morning I had just sent another email to the prayer girls, again about being down all week but still holding strong to my faith that God would make things move.  And then I received an email from Jim, the program director.....I WAS SUBMITTED TO COURT TODAY!!!  Praise Jesus! Hallelujah! God heard yet another one of our prayers and answered it!  Just minutes after that I received an email from the girl who was submitted on Monday saying she received her court date TODAY and would be traveling in less than 3 weeks!!!  Yet, another prayer answered!
God showed me that He is in complete control today .... still!  He did not wait until Monday, like I had "assumed" He might do. No, He did it TODAY and you don't have to be submitted in the beginning of the week either, Friday's work too!! Praise God!
The next step is to await a court date from the judge and then travel to Ethiopia to meet my daughter!
Praise God that it only takes a moment for Him to move!  Praise God that He's got everything under control even when it might not "look" that way!  Praise God that He loves us despite our whining and complaining!  Praise God for Jesus!
Pray for a peace of mind knowing God's in control of everything - Pray for eyes to see more of those "moments" in which He does in fact move - Pray for an overwhelming sense of joy knowing He is our Lord and Savior - Pray with us daily at 6:30 am as we have 3 more gals we need to get submitted with 4 court dates before they close!

"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it." Matthew 21:22


1 comment:

  1. Praying with faith my friend and so excited that you have reached this milestone!!
