Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I Got a Date!!!!

... a court date, that is! Ha! Yes, the time has finally come when I can say, "I WILL BE ON THE PLANE TO ETHIOPIA IN 15 DAYS!!!"
Overwhelmed ... overjoyed .... overwhelmed .... excited .... overwhelmed .... oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!  Today is definitely another one of those days I will remember forever!
I got the phone call from the program director of my agency while I was at work.  I waved my hand to a girl in the office and was pointing to the phone and she knew without a doubt what that call was for.  By the time I got off the phone my co-workers were lined up in the gym and hooting and hollering as I gave them the date!  Ahhh how absolutely spoiled rotten (still) and blessed that I am! Thank you, Jesus!
My court date has been set for August 7th but my travel arrangements are still in the works.  My niece, Kaylee, will be traveling with me! I am super excited to be able to spend some quality time with her on the plane, as well as for her to get to share in the experience of meeting my daughter, her cousin, for the very first time!
Even though I am filled with such a joy that is unexpainable right now, I have dreaded this trip from day one as I know I am going to have to leave her.  I get to meet my baby girl, the one that was chosen specifically for me, in a country halfway around the world, after I have loved on her and kissed those chubby cheeks and told her I am her momma.  I can't imagine how this is going to feel but I know that I will not be alone!  With His strength I will do it and then I will be that much closer to bringing her home for good!
Praise God that He is an almighty and wonderful God!  Praise God for continued answers to prayer!  Praise God for His perfect timing!  Praise God for Jesus!
Pray for more of Himself to be revealed to you daily - Pray for guidance as you live and move and breathe in Him - Pray for His word to become engraved on your heart, that it would come to mind freely with each circumstance we are faced with - Pray with us daily at 6:30 am for peace and trust in Him and His plan, as well as that He would continue to make things move!

"I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me ..." Psalm 34:4


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