Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Saturday, September 8, 2012


A piece of scripture was brought to my attention today that I just can't seem to get out of my head.  I know that I have read this verse on many occasions, but it obviously did not seem important at the time or seem to "click".  Today I was given a verse that I am certain God wanted me to hear!
You see the last week or so my 6:30 daily prayer time has been seemingly repetitive.  The six of us from the agency who have committed to pray together daily continue on, but I must admit that I have been struggling with praying the same thing day after day after day.  If any of you know me very well you know I like "specifics", and there just hasn't been enough specific stuff to be in prayer for ... at least what I can see.  This is the kicker, "what I can see". Ha! Again, this is where I have gone wrong! Thinking that this daily prayer time is all about what "I" think or what "I" can see from where each of us in our prayer group stands! 
You see today I was reminded that we have a God who not only hears our prayers, but He anticipates our prayers with the blessings of His goodness. He knows in advance what our prayers will consist of.  And even better yet, before we finish getting our prayers out God is able to provide what we have, or should I say "would have", prayed for!
You see we have a God who wants us to know just how important hearing our prayers are! Praise God we also have Jesus who goes before us, on our behalf, to the almighty throne of God!
Today I was given yet another affirmation of just how much God loves me and knows exactly what I need when I need it.  He knows what I am going to be in prayer about before I can even get it off my tongue!  He even provides for me things that I have yet to be in prayer about!  It doesn't matter if I am at a loss of words sometimes. You know why? God's got this!
The adoption process continues to roll forward.  LyLah had her medical exam on Wednesday, so whenever the report is complete and translated my case will be ready to submit to the US Embassy! Submissions only happen on Wednesdays, so I will be anxiously checking my emails every Wednesday from here on out!  Once submitted, there still is a waiting period that again, I don't know for sure how long will take.  The US Embassy will have to clear my case and then give me the word to come get her!  My initial goal to bring her home was by Christmas so I could have her home by her first birthday, however things seem to be moving quickly therefore I have moved that date up to Halloween! My God is able and I have complete trust in Him to do this!
Praise God for His word! Praise God for using others to help us to grow! Praise God for His anticipated blessings!  Praise God for Jesus!
Pray for God to reveal new understandings as you read through His word - Pray for ears to hear Truth through the people He made cross your path - Pray for trust that God does in fact "have this" whatever "this" may be in your life - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah to remain safe and sound and loved on while she is away from her momma!

"I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers."  Isaiah 65:24


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