Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Saturday, September 22, 2012

One Week Closer

Another week gone by means one week closer to bringing LyLah home! Oh yeah! This week I was able to get the car seat and a high chair which makes it even more real. I never thought I would have such fun going through Babies R Us! Oh how hard it was not to cram pack an entire cart full of stuff!
I eventually learned that "I" do not need a new pair of jeans or shoes for every day of the week ... I'm thinking this lesson is gonna take awhile to catch onto when it comes to LyLah's wardrobe! Ha! At least I am a bargain shopper, yeah?
Satan has started to creep in again and of course this is not surprising as the process gets closer. He is filling my head with doubts that stem mostly from the fact that I am going to be a single mother.  What will I do if she is sick and I can't take off work?  Will I be able to provide financially for her? Will she be confused because she doesn't have a dad around?  Am I going to be able to raise her up as a child of God and not just a good kid? And the doubts keep filling and flooding and overflowing in my head ... BUT I am fully aware that this is just Satan trying his best to bring me down so I know very well how important it is going to be to armor up! The battle is on and it's stronger than ever but my God is greater and with Him, I can overcome anything!  He has already won the battle! Praise Jesus!
As for the adoption process, Tuesday I found out that my agency had in fact received LyLah's medical report which means that most likely my case will be submitted to the US Embassy this coming Wednesday! Typically, it has been 4-6 weeks following submission that dates for pick up have been scheduled, however my God is not "typical" by any means! He has sped up the process on many occasions and I'm counting on Him doing so again!  I received new pictures of LyLah today and I learned that she is now able to sit up! She was not able to do that a month ago when I was there.  I am truly blessed to have the access to all of the pictures that are taken by the families that are in and out of the care center, but at the same time it makes me miss her all the more.  One week closer it is!
Praise God for His promises that we can stand on!  Praise God for His armor!  Praise God that the battle is already won!  Praise God for Jesus!
Pray for reminders of specific promises when various situations come about in life - Pray that we would remember to put on the FULL armor of God, not just part of it, when faced with trials - Pray for strength in the Lord and in His great power - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah to continue to grow strong and healthy and get ready to come home to her momma!

" be strong in the Lord, and in His great power" Ephesians 6:10


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