Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dinner around the table

Not a whole lot going on this week.  More reading - more paperwork.  Im starting to feel like these are becoming my "norm" for the day!  It's good for me though as Im learning new things and getting a clear picture of why the process is, just the way it is!
I did get my paper work done for the homestudy, I think, so I was able to schedule my first appointment with Jan.  She will be coming to my house on October 31st for the first visit.  Not really sure what this entails but am anxious to get to sit down and talk with her in person for more than just a quick few minutes!  I have been blessed with Jan and Leigh Ann who are very easy to talk to, don't get me wrong, but so far communication has only been on the phone or via email, so to be able to sit down with someone and REALLY get to discuss some of this stuff is going to be good and calm a few nerves as well ;)  Once again, I know God continues to transform me as I would NEVER had said I could not wait to sit down and "talk" with someone .... a stranger at that!
I have yet to receive my contract from IAG, the agency, but know that it will come in God's timing!
And of course, God continues to speak!  This time, it happened while sitting around the table enjoying some delicious vegetable soup with my family.  The busyness and distance apart from one another so often seems to "trump" what is important and I'll be the first to admit, this is the way I have lived for way too long.  God showed me just how much fun I've been missing out on, the stories told, the laughter, the love that was shared, all through a bowl of vegetable soup.  Dinner around the table is important .... not just important but a "must".  Thank you, Jesus for my family .... each and every one of you!
God also continues to speak to me about faith and obedience.  He has reminded me that "our faith" gives Him a way to show "His faithfulness".  He has told me that I need to take one day at a time so that is just what I've been trying to do!
Praise God that He remains forever faithful, even when we are not - Praise God for His forever love, despite our unloveliness - Praise God for Jesus and the cross that He bore so we could live!
God continues to reveal His providence to me and I continue to thank Him for every one of you!  Continue to pray for that sweet baby girl and those He has entrusted with her care - pray that I would be able to truly take one day at a time and trust in His plan - pray that Jesus would be revealed and God would be glorified through this awesome process of adoption!

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Matthew 6:34



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