Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Thursday, August 2, 2012

This is it!

The moment is finally here ... the one I have been waiting on for 10 loooonnnngggg months .... I can't even hardly believe it .... ETHIOPIA BOUND BABY!!!!  Oh yeah!
Not even sure how to describe the feelings I am experiencing right now.  I'm about to go meet my daughter for the very first time.  Just saying those words still seems surreal.  My daughter ... my precious lil' gift from God ... my blessing!  He picked her out just for me! We were made for each other!  This fact as well continues to blow my mind.
I've had many thoughts going through my head about the first time I lay eyes on my sweet baby LyLah.  I wonder how she will react ... will she come to me ... will she cry ... will she cling to her nanny.  Trying to prepare for this moment has not been an easy one by any means, but I will trust in God knowing we were meant to be together as mother and daughter and He will make it perfect.
I have the "new momma" fear going on as well.  Not gonna be able to just call my mom and say "what in the world do I do????"  Thank you, Jesus that Kaylee will be with me!
And then there is the whole leaving scenario.  Will she remember that I left her?  Will she fear that she will be left again once I bring her home for good?
I was reminded tonight of just how very much the Lord's hand has been in this entire adoption process so I actually have absolutely nothing to worry about!  From the very beginning when I was praying and seeking to know if adoption really was His will for me and the answers that were crystal clear, to His providence financially throughout the entire process at just the perfect times that fees were due, to the people that He has brought into my life and the bond that has been created without ever meeting one another, to His perfect timing for a court date that just so happens to be the exact time the mission team from church is going to be there, to all of the refining He has done in me and continues to do to make me just the perfect momma for LyLah!  I am going to do my best to give it all to God and just sit back and relax in His loving and peaceful arms!
Praise God for who He is and what He has done!  Praise God for forgiveness and grace and mercy!  Praise God for the cross!  Praise God for Jesus!
Pray for a desire to know Jesus more - Pray for a refining of yourself with a heart that is willing to change - Pray for a love for others like Jesus has loved us - Pray for my sweet baby LyLah to get ready to meet her momma!

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."  James 1:27


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